Thursday, January 25, 2007

thaw meets frost equals sheet ice

so it started thawing nicely in the bright afternoon sunshine. Our icicles started to melt and the departemental road gritters and snow ploughs passed by, gritting and sanding and whirring away as they do. All is well thought I, by this eevning it will be clear. Ha! Not so fast - thought the evil weather pixie. Instead the temperature plummeted from +1°C this afternoon to -4°C now ...and it's still dropping. So all that lovely melted snow (that'll be water then) is turning to a flat glistening sheet of hard ice.


Blogger maylin said...

It dropped to -9.5c last night and is still only -4c at midday! We were goi to try and get to the shops as we are out of fresh fruit and veg, milk, bread and eggs but think we will leave it until tomorrow when the temperature is due to rise. However it still might not thaw as the wind will be changing to the north again and there will be a wind chill factor. Sacre Bleu!

11:43 am  

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