Monday, August 13, 2007

soiree des benevoles

Since the 15th August fete began in St Fraimbault, the village has created a tradition much loved by all the volunteers who work the day of the festival. The now famous repas de benevoles. We, as sole restaurateur in the village, were responsible this year. The brief:To produce a feast for up to 300 people.
The challenge: To do it for as little as possible (price per head being the same as it was 4 years ago - despite the fact that for us salaries have gone up, bread, gas, drinks costs etc have all increased by about 12% in the past 2 years etc etc). End result : 300 happy villagers. For the first time in the history of the soirée, everyone invited by the mairie said yes.
Well, we did it. And lived to tell the tale. Went a bit mad at one point. We had a water fight at about midnight (me and my merry band of waitresses that is), I was whisked around the dance floor by a few old soaks of the village (after they had imbibed far too much wine for their own good), we washed more cutlery and plates than I thought existed on this planet, and fell into bed at some ungodly hour this morning. I think we did ok. No doubt the villagers will let us know....


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