Saturday, December 01, 2007

cous-cous and claviers

what a week. We're thinking of renaming Papillon the Cous-Cous Palace. Thursday we had 45 Algerian war veterans come for cous-cous (to remind them of the good ole days on the Algerian war - ha ha ha). They stayed for about 6 hours and got very merry, very red faced, drank lots and lots and lots of wine, champagne and calva and then staggered home to their beds happy, drunk and full. We, of course, had to carry on working that evening. Scarlet had a piano recital on Friday night - she opened the show playing 2 little pieces - and was an absolute star. Flawless performance - much to our pride and joy. I got all overcome with emotion - didn't realise this would happen - seeing your baby girl so small and alone and fragile on a big stage in front of 200 people is quite a big strain on the old tear ducts and heartstrings. She was perfectly at ease though and sailed through her performance then settled down to watch her camarades perform. She is an accomplished little ivory tinkler is young Scarlet. And today we are doing (another) cous-cous for 160 people - this time 100% organic. Downstairs in the kitchen, 400 merguez are grilling, the semolina is already spiced and buttered, the chillies are chopped for the harissa, the legumes are cooked, the chick-peas are soaked, the lamb has been double dry roasted and the free range chickens have all been spit turned and skewered. Now we just have to dress the salle polyvalente and get ready for the guests. St Fraimbault church square smells yummy and spicy today.


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