Friday, June 18, 2010
19th June is birthday time for young missy S. And this year she is 11. Yegods, 11 already. Cannot believe it. Tomorrow we have planned a birthday to beat all birthdays. Birthday breakfast en famille avec moi et la birthday girl (G working bien sur), pressie opening afterwards and cartoons all morning. I will meanwhile be preparing cakes and salads and the like - at 2pm off to local park to bagsy table and await guests. 5 girls in S's class will join for an apres-midi of merriment and fun - with the parcours de sante, climing frames and basketball court to keep 'em amused. Mid afternoon break of cake and balloon modelling then more running and jumping and tomfoolery. Back to ours for showers for them (breather for me) then its off to a restaurant in Valbonne entre filles ..les parents will come pick les filles up at 9pm...I'll drag Scarlet home and will then need A VERY VERY VERY large glass of wine. Camera is at the ready, nerves will be primed to be on muffle mode. No cross tempers, no shouting, no irritation.
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