household mysteries
Somewhere in every house is a vortex containing missing odd socks and coat hangers. Socks rarely reappear, except occasionally a red one will sneak into a white wash cheekily.
Coat hangers however are more subversive.
They wait until you get fed up of trying to hang 4 shirts, one skirt and a dress onto a straining metal hanger that is the last resort and was originally used to clean the vacuum cleaner hose. The moment when you bite the bullet and decide to buy 10 more - wincing at the price as you forget every time just how expensive household items like this can be. Then you get home, you open the wardrobe, and lo! as you run your hand along the clothes bar that is straining beneath the weight of over charged hangers, you suddenly come across the missing ones; The forgotten ones. The hangers that you looked for endlessly over the previous weeks or months. Yes, there they are. The subversive hangers of the wardrobe world.
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