Sunday, June 07, 2020

two years later....

such a lot has happened

low points, mainly in 2019
Jan 2019 G's job in Ponichet went horribly horribly wrong, ending in severe workplace bullying and harrassment.
May 2019 My dad had a brain scare and ended up in hospital in life or death brain surgery. I flew over for a weekend of sadness then joy as he recovered. He is now fine.
Gregoire had a bike accident and almost died.  Months in hopsital, shattered thigh bone, plus other breakages, off work for 12 months maybe more.  Now June 2020, still off work, still limping, still in constant pain.  Bike dead.

High points
have met some fabulous people, made lovely friends
Gregoire's awful experience in Pornichet, gave place to a new job in a lovely little restaurant n Guerande, and also started a solid friendship with Eric - owner of said restaurant,and now firm mate
My work took off and has gone rom strength to strength

Scarlet has completed her BA Joint Honours in English Lit and Journalism. Now waiting to see if she has been accepted on a Masters.  She and Nic (still together) have moved into the most fabulously trendy loftstyle apartment called Tramshed in Cardiff, as Nic does his Master's and Scarlet (hopefully) starts hers...

Fabruk is still Fabrouk...a very happy almost 10 year old sill bouncy seadog.
on 1st June 2020, we bought a boat. Finally.  After so many years of talking about sailing. 6th June she went into water. We have become boat people.

COVID19 has changed the world significantly, we have no idea what lies ahead, but as usual, we'll face it with optimism and enthusiasm!


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