Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008 draws to a close

strange year really.
Some highs - me being voted in as councillor, Gregoire being named maitre-restaurateur, the restaurant being reviewed in Le Petit Fute, trip to Biarritz, modernisation of the kitchen and bar, Scarlet turning 9 and growing up fast, seeing Sophie and Tim and boys settled in St Vallier...
and some lows
drop in customer numbers with the subsequent drop in takings, threat of closure and fear of recession, uncertainty about the future, crises around the world, wars springing up all over the place, sadness and financial problems amongst friends and colleagues

2009 will bring new hope, new highs, and of course new lows but most of all lets wish for a positive feeling of change for everyone around us


Wednesday, December 10, 2008


christmas is coming

Eh bien, c'est vrai, noel arrive. Our christmas "installation" that some might call a tree is up and decorated and looking splendidly modern and artistic and glittery and sparkly, we have a real stump from a pine forest in the flat that is also looking lovely and natural, and the freezing cold weather has made me feel extremely festive. Ho ho ho I say.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

the chattering hatters

they came, they ate, they drank, they chatted, and most of all they Red Hatted. Every three to four months we play host to a Red Hatter lunch. Lively bunch of ladies, all of a certain age, who come and eat a nice big lunch, drink much red wine (to go with the red hats - mais bien suuuuuuuuuuur) and leave red-cheeked and very merry. Red is indeed the order of the day for these lovely ladies.....and by way of respect I try to remember to wear my red pinny. Otherwise I would be left red faced

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

the munchies

times like these that I am really pleased that I live with a chef. He saw I was stressed after a horrid drive back from Flers in the driving rain and battering side winds, and disappeared off to the kitchen for a few moments. He has just reappeared with ...a scrummy yummy hot melting fresh goats cheese salad liberally sprinkled with his hemp oil and walnut vinegar dressing....I can almost see your mouths watering :) So I shall away and munch and wish y'all a très bon appetit

ciao for now my lovelies xxx