Saturday, January 10, 2009

it's cold outside

Ok. You are 9 years old. Tis cold outside and the whole weekend lies before you. Whaddayado? You invite your best mate over for the day for some serious ds gaming of course. As parents, we know nadda .

Friday, January 09, 2009

bon appetit mes petits


Feuillete d’andouille avec une sauce au cidre*
Chitlings pan-fried in cider served in puff pastry
Saumon fumé, sauce aneth
Smoked salmon with dill cream


Cailles rôties, sauce perigourdine
Roast quails with foie gras sauce
Escalope de saumon aux airelles
Salmon fillet with cranberry sauce


Fromages affinés*
Cheese and salad


Bûche de Noël maison
Home-made chocolate log
Tarte normande chaude au Calvados*
Warm apple and calvados tart

New Year’s Eve

Cocktail maison et ses petits toasts gourmands
House cocktail with canapés
Emulsion Dubarry Truffée
Cream of cauliflower emulsion with fresh truffles
Le Foie Gras et son verre de Pommeau de St Fraimbault
Home made foie gras with a glass of Pommeau
Filet de Saint Pierre sur un lit d'epinards
John Dory filet on a bed of spinach
le trou normand avec son Calvados du village
Apple sorbet with St Fraimbault Calvados
Ying et Yang de filets de caille aux deux sauces, pommes de terres rôties et deux légumes
Quail fillets ying and yang with 2 sauces, roast potatoes and seasonal vegetables
4 fromages normands et sa salade, des noix, de la pomme
4 Normandy cheeses, fresh salad, walnuts and apple slices
Une symphonie gourmande avec une coupe de campagne
Symphony of 5 desserts served with a glass of champagne
Cafe et mignardises maison
Coffee and homemade chocolates

Sauvignon Tourraine 2006
Bordeaux 1er Cotes de Blaye 2005

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

the big chill

they say it is the coldest winter for years. Minus far too many degrees and falling and the roads are evil glittering accidents waiting to happen. EDF are desperately telling people to cut back on electricity usage - like - yeah that'll happen. And wonders will never cease - we have a table this lunchtime! Yeeeehaa! And the temperature on la terrasse this morning is currently -8°C. Cold huh? Anyone beat that?