Saturday, June 30, 2007
nice day for a white wedding....
Lucie got married to Damien today. Everyone in the village was there. A very grand affair it was too. They even dragged poor old Flora the village carthorse out of retirement!
Everyone was happy. The sun came out for them (a miracle considering how foul the weather has been this June) and the crowds cheered. They party tonight and tomorrow we join them for the burial ceremeony ...which is champagne bottles in a coffin buried and then then dug up when they christen their first child or something ....dunno really, but sounds like fun :)
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Monday, June 18, 2007
more a ripple than a tidal wave
So the right won, but not brilliantly - France seemed to vote with its head this time round. We even heard hardened right wingers in the village saying they would vote left so the government would be more balanced. And thus it came to pass. Alain Juppé loses his seat in Bordeaux. Segolene R and François H separate. Sarkozy tries not to look too annoyed as UMP seats fall to the PS. The Front National find themselves with no seats in the parliament. At last. What WILL the Le Pen family do now ? Moving from politics to personal life, Scarlet is 8 years old tomorrow and what fun we shall have. We may well close and have a family party for her. Here she is kicking off her pre-birthday party with a bit of fancy dress action.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
second time around
voting time again...legislatives this time, will the country swing left or stay right? Update later once the polling stations have closed....
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Rain rain go away
Oh joy. A flood in the restaurant, flood in the kitchen, and the bar, and the shop. Stamp stamp and feckin' wail. I have broken 4 finger nails, ruined my lovely red sandals and possibly damaged beyond repair my favourite linen skirt. Then a woman had the cheek to say 'when can I buy a post card?' as I was sweeping the water out of the shop. I nearly throttled her on the spot. Had it not been for the kind and lovely Hubert passing by she may not have lived to complain to her family about my rudeness. Hubert gently told her to get back in her car as the roads were becoming too dangerous. He must have seen the thunderous look on my face. The pompiers are still passing by on their way to the appels de secours from all around. An insurance claim looms for us. And now begins the serious cleaning. To cap it all I slid in the water and fell rather unceremoniously and in a terribly undignified manner on my arse - banging my head against the brick wall. Ouch and double ouch.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Communions and other traditions
First communion lunch of the year on Sunday. The menu was definitely for greedy gourmands only :
starter: avocado and prawn salad
fish course: fillet of fresh perch served with wild rice and a beurre blanc sauce
interval of apple sorbet with farm calvados ....
main course : roast sirloin beef (served very rare of course) with roast potatoes, carrots, courgettes and a wild mushroom sauce
cheese: 3 Normandy cheeses with salad
dessert: chocolate charlotte and home made creme anglaise.
Coffee and petit fours rounded off this incredible lunch - served with the inevitable calavdos of course. The family eventually wandered home around 7pm, having sat down to eat at midday. By all accounts, they haven't eaten anything since - and it is now Thursday!
We are currently awaiting the arrival of my old black VW Golf series II. Should be ready to pick up tomorrow. The lovely XM is currently in the garage being refitted with its beeper key....seems to be taking longer than planned so the garage has lent us an enormous 9 seater minibus! Talk about sublime to ridiculous. Ah well.
And after une semaine of madness and no room at the inn, we are now back to being tickety boo and quiet. Most etrange.
starter: avocado and prawn salad
fish course: fillet of fresh perch served with wild rice and a beurre blanc sauce
interval of apple sorbet with farm calvados ....
main course : roast sirloin beef (served very rare of course) with roast potatoes, carrots, courgettes and a wild mushroom sauce
cheese: 3 Normandy cheeses with salad
dessert: chocolate charlotte and home made creme anglaise.
Coffee and petit fours rounded off this incredible lunch - served with the inevitable calavdos of course. The family eventually wandered home around 7pm, having sat down to eat at midday. By all accounts, they haven't eaten anything since - and it is now Thursday!
We are currently awaiting the arrival of my old black VW Golf series II. Should be ready to pick up tomorrow. The lovely XM is currently in the garage being refitted with its beeper key....seems to be taking longer than planned so the garage has lent us an enormous 9 seater minibus! Talk about sublime to ridiculous. Ah well.
And after une semaine of madness and no room at the inn, we are now back to being tickety boo and quiet. Most etrange.