..she does what with sea shells on the sea shore...?
Monday we hit Granville, had a much less posh and quicker lunch in a brasserie then went to the Musée du Roc - famous for it's aquarium and *fairytale seashell collection*. Indeed. 2 hours later we stumbled out of the museum somewhat flabbergasted. Superb aquarium, gorgeous butterfly and beetle collection, stunning crystal and precious stone collections and mosaics, but the seashell room was like something from a parallel universe. Unfortunately (and possibly this should tell us something...) the photographs taken on our Granville trip are all destroyed as the memory chip in the camera mysteriously snapped in half. Cue spooky music. Suffice it to say that if you think you know about seashell sculptures you are mistaken. It was a bewilderingly kitsch display of seashells the like of which I have never seen ..a doll's house made from teeny tiny shells, 6 2 metre high Grecian pillars - all made from - yep - seashells, larger than life reproductions of various famous sea related old masters - all made from - yep - more shells. This was the life work of an old eccentric. Yeah. Right.
We then hit the beach for a while and headed home to St Fraimbault tired and happy and still dumbfounded by the seashells. They will stay in our memory for a long time to come methinks.